The City of Orange City is planning for future growth and development.
A new elementary school bond issue passed in March 2020, and with that, the school district and the City started working together for a site for the new school and to address what will happen to the old elementary building. In addition, the regional airport had opened and nearly 80 acres of the former airport will need to be redeveloped. The City also has 12 acres of commercial property that need to be redeveloped. With all of these developments, the City’s Vision 2035 strategic plan is now four years old and in need of review.
City leadership determined that master planning for the community is needed in order to best address plans for growth. In June of 2020, a committee was formed to create an RFP in order to find a company to assist the City with planning. Community input has been an important factor in creating the plan and selecting a firm to assist the City.
In September of 2020, ISG, Inc. was selected to assist the City through the community master planning process. The scope of the project is to look at the specific properties listed above, plan for housing growth, commercial and residential growth and quality of life.
Now, the City is beginning the process of engaging the public to gain feedback to refine a plan. The City is holding an open house for the community on Tuesday March 30, at Prairie Winds Event Center from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
The goal of the open house is to view concepts and provide input related to housing, commercial and industrial development, parks and recreation and downtown.