Barbershop Harmony in Orange City August 14
This may look like a small group of barbershoppers, but the full-scale 35-voice barbershop chorus is coming. Onstage Orange City will feature Riverblenders Chorus from Mankato MN, beginning at 7:00pm on Wednesday, August 14 in Orange City’s Windmill Park. Come early for the 5th annual motorcycle show at 5:00pm and a Big Brothers Big Sisters benefit meal. Stay late for the family film, Wreck It Ralph. Onstage Orange City sponsors are OC Sanitation and Community Bank of Alton and Orange City, in conjunction with the Orange City Arts Council.
ORANGE CITY – The Riverblenders Barbershop Chorus show has been moved inside — 7:00pm Wed. Aug. 14 at Prairie Winds Event Center.
It will be a big evening: a motorcycle show, a benefit meal, a family film and, the featured attraction: a 35-member barbershop chorus from Mankato.
That’s Wednesday, August 14: Onstage Orange City in Windmill Park.
The evening begins at 5:00pm with a motorcycle show, a live DJ and prizes for cyclists, sponsored by the Orange City Chamber of Commerce. A meal of hotdogs, pop and chips will be served from 5:30 to 7:00, with freewill donations going to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Siouxland.
Riverblenders Chorus takes the stage at 7:00pm.
The chorus is a highlight of 13 weeks of Wednesday evening Onstage Orange City entertainment this summer. Riverblenders Chorus, organized in ’73, is currently under the leadership of director Jacob Ritter. The ensemble features quartets that have brought barbershop harmony all over the Midwest, Canada, England and Wales… and that have excelled in district and international competitions.
In Orange City, Riverblenders will perform three sets, including a patriotic Salute to America, a gospel set, and the third featuring a variety of chorus repertoire. The show will also feature some of the Riverblenders’ quartets.
At dusk, Orange City Parks and Recreation will show the film, Wreck-It Ralph.
Sponsors for the Onstage Orange City evening are Community Bank of Alton and Orange City and OC Sanitation.
Onstage Orange City is a program of the Orange City Arts Council – offering free shows every Wednesday evening in Windmill Park through August 21. Bring lawn chairs or blankets. Concessions will be available. Rain location is to be announced.
For more information, see, email or call 712-707-4885.