Documentary film workshops planned for the fall in Orange City and Sioux Center
ORANGE CITY – Filmmaking is best learned by doing, said Mark Volkers.
This award-winning filmmaker is teaching a series of documentary film workshops in Orange City and Sioux Center Sept. 7, Oct. 17 and Nov. 7.
Workshop participants will explore the ingredients that go into successful documentary filmmaking. “How do we edit?” “What’s the best way to shoot an interview?” “What’s ethical when filming people?” “How much footage do I need?” “How do you create a story when doing a documentary?”
Students and Volkers will also work together on editing. “Unlike narrative (Hollywood) films, the real storytelling for documentary takes place when you sit down to edit,” said Volkers, who teaches digital media production at Dordt.
“Like any filmmaking, documentary is both an art and a science,” he said. “The science is beginning to understand the basics of composition, the use of space, the power of music and sound, font choice, color, camera angle, pacing and more. The art is putting all those ingredients together to create something that stirs people.”
A well-done documentary, like any good art, causes people to question things they thought they knew, said Volkers. “It’s entertaining, and maybe – just maybe – begins the process of change.”
Workshops will be held Sat., Sept. 7 from 9 to noon at Old Factory Coffee Shop, Orange City; Thurs., Oct. 17 from 7 to 10pm at Fruited Plain in Sioux Center; and Thurs., Nov. 7 at 7pm at Vogel Community Room, DeWitt Learning Commons, Northwestern College. Students will create short four to eight-minute documentaries. Volkers will be available to answer questions and help throughout the experience, culminating in the public viewing of the group’s work and judges’ prizes to Best of Show ($250) and Honorable Mention ($100).
Sponsors of the OrangeRind documentary film workshops are Orange City Arts Council, Sioux Center Rec & Arts Council and Northwestern College. Awards sponsor is OC Basketball Productions, LLC: the primary production company of the film, Winning Favor.
Fee for the three-part workshop is $40 for adults and $25 for students, in advance. After Sept. 3, the fee is $50 and $35. Register at Northwestern’s Student Development Office, Orange City Arts Council or Mark Volkers’ office at Dordt College.
Beginners are welcome. No special camera gear is needed; HiDef is preferred, but not necessary. Free editing software is available. Windows Movie Maker, iMovie, Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premier are all possibilities.
Volkers, of Orange City, most recently produced The Fourth World, which has won multiple awards on several continents. The Fourth World will be shown free at the Northwestern College Green at 8:30pm Thurs., Aug. 29. Rain location is Northwestern’s DeWitt Theatre.
For more information, contact mrkvolkers@gmail.com, ocArts@orangecityiowa.com, arts@siouxcenter.org, 712-707-6514 or orangecityarts.net.
For everyone who has ever had a desire to shoot and edit a short documentary film, this is a rare opportunity with the help of an experienced guide.
For more info, click here: http://orangecityarts.net/2013/07/orangerind-2013/