Why Orange City: Mike and Bette Bonjour

How long have you lived in Orange City?

Just shy of two years

Where did you move from?

Chamberlain, SD

Why did you move to Orange City?

We visited Orange City for the Tulip Festival several years ago.
We were so impressed by the beauty and the wonderful Christian atmosphere we felt while we were visiting. We left that weekend hoping that someday we would be able to retire here…and here we are!

How would you describe your lifestyle in Orange City (work, school, activities)?

We are “almost” retired but we work three mornings a week for the Park & Recreation Dept. You’ll find Mike watering the hanging baskets downtown and Bette weeding Windmill Park and some of the other areas around the city. Now that we have a little extra free time, we are able to do some volunteer work for the Hospital, Operation Christmas Child and Hope Haven. It may come as no surprise, but we are able to do a little gardening, too, as we are lucky enough to have a plot at the city’s Community Garden.

What has surprised you the most about living in Orange City?

We thought Orange City would be a friendly place to live, but we couldn’t have anticipated that everyone would be “so” welcoming. We felt like we were at Home almost immediately after moving here.

What do you most enjoy about the community?

Before moving here, we had made a list of everything that would be important to us before making a final move. Orange City met all the requirements and checked all the boxes.
Besides the beauty, Orange City has a wonderful Library System, a great Community Garden, an award winning Hospital and so much more. The city is clean and safe.
If we had to narrow it down to what we appreciate most, however, it would be the fact that Orange City has such a wonderful Christian atmosphere.

What makes Orange City unique from other places you’ve lived?

We’ve enjoyed our times spent in other places where we lived, but we have never felt as “safe” as we have felt here in Orange City.
Orange City is charming, safe and neighborly. The beauty of the City draws you in–we feel like we are living in a community right out of a “Hallmark Movie”.

What should others outside of Orange City or those considering a move to Orange City know?

We don’t think you would ever regret making the move here. Orange City is a wonderful place to retire or to raise a family.

Anything else you would like to add?

We wish we would have grown up here–those that have are so very lucky!