
Drama Ministries Ensemble to offer kids’ theatre club

Elementary school kids are invited to participate in an after-school theatre club offered by Northwestern College every Wednesday in April.

NWC theatre ensemble to tour in three states

Northwestern College’s Drama Ministries Ensemble will perform in churches, senior living facilities and a high school during a spring break tour to three states March 2–10.

Northwestern theatre company to present Iowa Ethiopia

Northwestern College’s Drama Ministries Ensemble theatre company will perform “Iowa Ethiopia” in three area venues in February and March.

Northwestern theatre company to tour in Ethiopia

Northwestern College’s Drama Ministries Ensemble theatre company will tour a production of “Iowa Ethiopia” in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Dec. 12–23.

Barker publishes second book about missionary nurse

Arlene Schuiteman, a 95-year-old former missionary nurse, and Jeff Barker, Northwestern theatre professor, have collaborated to produce the second volume in a series about Schuiteman’s life: “Iowa Ethiopia.”

NWC Drama Ministries Ensemble to Present Play About Missionary Nurse

Northwestern College’s Drama Ministries Ensemble will perform “Sioux Center Sudan,” about an Iowa teacher who became a missionary nurse, on Sunday, March 17, at 7 p.m. in the England Proscenium Theatre.

Drama Ministries Ensemble to Perform in Eastern U.S.

Northwestern College’s Drama Ministries Ensemble will tour and perform “Sioux Center Sudan,” a play about an Iowa teacher who became a missionary nurse, during spring break March 1–11.

Northwestern College to Present Christmas Vespers

The Northwestern College music department will present its annual Christmas Vespers concert on Saturday, Dec. 1, at 7 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 2, at 3 p.m. in Christ Chapel.