Why Orange City: Grant Hegstad

How long have you lived in Orange City?

We have lived in Orange City for 14 years and four additional years in college.

Where did you move from?

Sanborn, Iowa (Grant); Hartley, IA (Jen)

Why did you move to Orange City?

After graduating from Northwestern College, my wife and I both accepted teaching positions at MOC-Floyd Valley Community Schools. At the time, we didn’t realize that this would become the home it is for us and our family today. We are so grateful that this is the case. It has been the perfect community for our family.

How would you describe your lifestyle in Orange City (work, school, activities)?

Orange City is the hub for our family. We live, work, worship, attend school, and enjoy the many activities that Orange City offers throughout the year.

What has surprised you the most about living in Orange City?

While Orange City has all the benefits of small-town living, I continue to be impressed with what it offers not only to its residents but also to people beyond our community. We have incredible schools, churches, and activities for people of different age groups and varying interests. We also offer diverse restaurants, retail options, entertainment, leisure/hobbies/activities, and employment opportunities.

What do you most enjoy about the community?

The people are our favorite aspect of Orange City. We have thoroughly enjoyed becoming more connected to our community members. They are welcoming, genuine, and ready to lend a helping hand.

What makes Orange City unique from other places you’ve lived?

We appreciate how people actively invest their time and resources in our community for the betterment of all. They are passionate and committed to creating a wonderful place to live, work, and enjoy life together.