For as little as $1 a week, YOU can help build our future together. YOU can make a real difference by financially supporting the ongoing work of the OC21 Foundation. Take a look at the pledge card, and please consider what you can give.

GrowOC (formally The OC21 Foundation)

Building on Our Past

The OC21 Foundation was established in 1988 to build a thriving, engaged, and vibrant community in Orange City. Their mission was:

“to promote the ongoing development of the community, which includes the citizens of Orange City and those from neighboring cities and farms within its trade area. Through grassroots funding research, planning, and consensus, the Foundation seeks to be a catalyst in stimulating projects that improve the well-being of our people and the economic climate of our region.”

Many generous donations from community members fueled the progress. As the decades passed, numerous projects were successfully completed, bringing vast benefits to Orange City. These benefits include recreational opportunities, healthcare, educational resources, and much more!

Looking Towards the Future

As Orange City grows, we look forward to what the next decades will hold. We ask for your partnership in shaping what you hope to see by joining GrowOC. In one easy step, you can make a lasting impact on our community by investing in the future.
Together with your neighbors, each donation will add up to directly fund vital development projects, making our community an even better place to live.


A. GrowOC (The Orange City 21 Foundation) was launched in 1988. Initially, the “21” signifies moving into the 21st Century. Its original membership/contributor goal was 1,000 households.

A. The original mission still informs the foundation’s objectives: “The Orange City 21 Foundation exists to promote the ongoing development of the community which includes the citizens of Orange City and those from neighboring cities and farms within its trade area. Through grassroots funding, research, planning, and consensus, the Foundation seeks to be a catalyst in stimulating projects that improve the well being of our people and the economic climate of our region.”

A. In 2011 OCDC and OC21 Foundation joined forces to build a better community. The OC21 Foundation is the fund-raising arm of OCDC, providing an avenue for tax-deductible contributions from residents and businesses to fund the vital projects supported by OCDC.

A. All requests for funds will be thoughtfully reviewed. Also, projects will be pro-actively sought out that align with the goals for economic development, growth, and community betterment based on master planning and the distinct needs of Orange City. Applications for funding can be found at

A. It’s easy! You can pledge to have a designated dollar amount—as little as $1 a week—added to your monthly utility bill. Or you can contribute a lump sum, annually if you so choose. Since all board members are volunteers and there are no administative costs,100% of your contributions to the OC21 Foundation are used for projects and investments.

A. To find out more contact Ryan McEwen 712-707-4885 or

Ryan McEwen: 712-707-4885

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