Northwestern Professor Awarded Endowed Research Fellowship

Northwestern College is awarding its annual $10,000 Endowed Research Fellowship for 2019 to Dr. Sara Sybesma Tolsma, professor of biology.

Northwestern Graduate Wins Student Research Award at Psychology Conference

Emily Starr, a 2019 graduate of Northwestern College, received the only undergraduate student research award from the Association for Psychological Science at its annual conference.

Northwestern College Student Selected for Interdisciplinary Symposium

Northwestern College junior Ali Almail has been selected to participate in the annual Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts Symposium to be held at Wheaton College May 28 to June 1.

Orange City Area Health System receives the 2019 Women’s Choice Award® as one of America’s 100 Best Hospitals for Patient Experience for fifth consecutive year

Orange City Arts Begins the 10th Season of Free Summer Entertainment in June 2019

2019 Cyclone Tailgate Tour Visits Diamond Vogel

Northwestern College Professors Awarded Tenure, Promotions

Three Northwestern College professors have been awarded tenure or promotions, effective this fall.