Ensemble from Quebec begins series of international music: Orange City has been selected to be Arts Midwest’s partner community in Iowa for the 2013-15 World Fest. Four international music ensembles will do week-long residencies in the Orange City area, in association with the Orange City Arts Council. The series will begin November 2013 with Le Vent du Nord, a traditional French-Canadian folk music ensemble from Quebec.
Interview on KWIT Radio with Janine Calsbeek of OC Arts Council: https://www.facebook.com/KWITKOJI
FOR MORE INFO ON Le Vent du Nord and the Nov. 10-16 schedule, see: http://orangecityarts.net/2013/10/award-winning-folk-ensemble-from-quebec-to-perform-le-vent-du-nord/
ORANGE CITY – Orange City has been selected by Arts Midwest to be the partner community in Iowa for its 2013-15 World Fest. The Orange City Arts Council is the recipient of the honor.
One community is chosen, in each of a nine-state region, to participate in a two-year program featuring four international music ensembles. Each of the ensembles will spend a week in the Orange City area, doing school and community workshops and a public performance.
The four ensembles coming to Orange City include Le Vent du Nord from Quebec and the Dror Ensemble of Israel in 2013-14, plus groups from Brazil and China, tentatively, in 2014-15.
The ensembles are world-class, said Janine Calsbeek of the Orange City Arts Council. “The ensemble from Quebec, Le Vent du Nord, received a significant honor in Paris last month, The Grand Prix du Disque.”
Le Vent du Nord, a traditional French-Canadian folk music ensemble, earned the world music award for its recording, “Tromper le Temps.” The Grand Prix du Disque is the premier French award for musical recordings, inaugurated by l’Académie Charles Cros in 1948. Le Vent du Nord is the first Quebec ensemble to receive this honor.
The ensemble’s name translates to “The WInd of the North,” and the four members perform with accordion, violin, mandolin, hurdy-gurdy and voice. Influences range from French medieval music to British folk to the Celtic music of Ireland, Scotland and Brittany.
Le Vent du Nord will do its residency in Orange City November 10-16, 2013, with the public performance held Sat. Nov. 16 at Unity’s Performing Arts Center at 7:30pm. Tickets are $10 adults, $7 students. Season passes are available. See: http://orangecityarts.net/2013/06/beyond-onstage-2013-14-season-series/
For more information on Le Vent du Nord, see leventdunord.com/en/pages/news or
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4IIizmIOWQ or listen to Le Vent du Nord on Pandora Radio.
Arts Midwest has worked with other Iowa partner communities in the past – Red Oak, Sioux City, Knoxville, Ames and Waterloo.
Arts Midwest will cover artist fees and travel, and the Orange City Arts Council will cover housing and other local expenses. A program of Arts Midwest, the 2013-2015 Arts Midwest World Fest cycle is generously supported by the National Endowment for the Arts, 3M Foundation, and MetLife Foundation. Additional support is provided by the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China, and the Consulate General of Israel to the Midwest. This activity is also funded, in part, by the Minnesota State Arts Board through the arts and cultural heritage fund as appropriated by the Minnesota State Legislature with money from the Legacy Amendment vote of the people of Minnesota on November 4, 2008.
Arts Midwest World Fest is also generously supported by Illinois Arts Council, Indiana Arts Commission, Iowa Arts Council, Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, Minnesota State Arts Board, North Dakota Council on the Arts, Ohio Arts Council, South Dakota Arts Council, and Wisconsin Arts Board.