Four-week class. June 11-July 2.
Steve Mahr and Trish Sandbulte are taking on a new challenge– teaching anyone and everyone to write poetry! Learn how to use literary tools like alliteration and assonance, allusion and metaphor. Build your own poems that are rooted in your story. Discover your voice, your beat, and spit your poem in front of an actual audience.
Steve Mahr has written poetry for nearly ten years, and performed at poetry slams in Chicago, Vermillion, Des Moines, and Orange City–winning several. He has worked hard at discovering an original voice to his poetry and has coached others from kids to adults on how to engage their story and rewrite it into poetry that is all their own.
Trish Sandbulte teaches English at MOC-Floyd Valley High School, entertaining and inspiring young poets every year.
The class meets Thursday evenings, June 11-July 2, at 7pm at Old Factory Coffee Shop.
Registration fee is $25 prior to June 4, and after June 4: $35.
Register by sending name, email address, phone number and payment to Orange City Arts, PO Box 202, Orange City IA 51041. For more information, see orangecityarts.net, or contact Janine Calseek at 707-4885 or ocArts@orangecityiowa.com.