
TED Talk Speaker and Social Media Advocate to Speak in Orange City

Would LOVE the opportunity for Vibrant OC to cover any or all of the events as a Day of Vibrant Life feature!

#SaveTheKids events will kick-off Wednesday, March 27 at Maurice Reformed Church. 500 youth from across NW Iowa will gather for a Christ-centered Youth Fireside Night. 6:45pm – Maurice Reformed Church

Thursday, March 28 schedule of events:
7am: My Choice @ MOC-FV Middle School Old Gym
9am: 4th & 5th Grade Assembly @ MOC-FV High School Auditorium
11am: MOC-FV School District Principal & Counselor luncheon with Collin Kartchner
1:15pm: 6th – 12th grade students from Orange City & Sioux Center public & Christian schools gather at the Rowenhorst Student Center on NWC campus for a #SaveTheKids Assembly
6:30pm: #SaveTheKids Parents Night @ Christ Chapel on NWC campus