Orange City Community Chest

Guthmiller Named A “Top CEO To Know”

Northwestern Symphonic Band, ensembles to perform

The Northwestern College Symphonic Band will present a worldwide-themed concert on Friday, Nov. 15, and two Northwestern chamber ensembles will perform Friday, Dec. 13.

Northwestern College to present “Sense and Sensibility”

Northwestern College’s theatre department will present “Sense and Sensibility” Nov. 14, 16, and 21–23 in the DeWitt Theatre Arts Center’s England Proscenium Theatre. The show will begin at 7:30 each of those evenings; there will also be a 2 p.m. matinee on Saturday, Nov. 16.

Northwestern College’s Te Paske Gallery to feature exhibit by Nebraska artist

Artwork by Nebraska artist Susan Moore will be displayed in Northwestern College’s Te Paske Gallery Oct. 23 through Dec. 13. “Sugar Coated” features hyper-realistic oil paintings that provide stunning portraits of food.

Two NWC students to attend Harvard computing competition

Northwestern College computer science majors Mari Hirota and Pratik Paudel will compete at HackHarvard 2024, a computer coding event, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Oct. 11-13.