ORANGE CITY – David Nevue’s music is like listening to a prayer.
Those were the words of someone who heard Nevue on the piano. His music provides “the gift of emotion in every moment,” another said. “Magical and beautiful.”
Nevue will present a piano concert in Orange City Thursday, March 29 at 7 p.m. at Immanuel Christian Reformed Church, sponsored by the Orange CIty Arts Council.
As a young boy, Nevue (pronounced NEV-Yoo, rhymes with nephew) sat at his grandma’s piano and figured out melodies. He “faked” his way through three years of formal piano lessons, he said.
His college music theory class opened his eyes. Once he understood the patterns of the keyboard, he said, he was able to teach himself to play the music he’d been hearing in his head.
He played with a few rock bands in his early years, then turned to his true love – the piano. He completed his first album of original piano works at age 25. Now he lives in Eugene, Oregon and works full-time in the music business.
Nevue writes through improvisation, “just playing around on the piano until an interesting chord progression or melodic riff catches my ear,” he said. He plays all of his pieces from memory.
He calls his style neoclassical. He has been influenced by everyone from progressive rock bands like Rush, Pink Floyd and Kansas, to Kate Bush, Clannad, Jeff Johnson and early U2. He loves classical musicians Chopin, Rachmaninoff and Debussy.
And there’s George Winston. “Were it not for my being introduced to the music of pianist George Winston, I don’t think I would have ever considered writing for solo piano.” Now his music is compared to Winston’s, also to Jim Brickman’s and David Lanz’s.
His love of the theatre brought him experiences on stage, and his two-hour piano show will include the stories behind the songs. The theme of the concert will be “living life to the fullest… finding joy everywhere,” he said.
Nevue’s music is heard on over 220 radio programs worldwide. He has recorded 13 CDs. His album “Overcome,” was named the best instrumental piano album of 2005 by Lifestyle Music Awards. His album, “Adoration”, a collection of traditional hymn arrangements, reached number one of the NAR (now Zone Music Reporter) album charts in May 2008. This year his album, “A Delicate Joy,” is a finalist for the Zone Music Reporter’s best instrumental piano album.
Nevue authored “How to Promote Your Music Successfully on the Internet” and founded The Music Biz Academy, an educational website for musicians. In 2003, he launched Whisperings: Solo Piano Radio, an internet radio program.
To listen to Nevue, check and click on “Listen.”
Tickets for the March 29 concert are $5 for adults and $3 for students in advance at Dove Christian Bookstore, Immanuel Christian Reformed Church (1405 Albany Ave NE) or the Orange City Arts Council. At the door, tickets are $8 and $6. For more information, contact or call 707-6514.

Pianist David Nevue to perform in Orange City: Pianist, composer and storyteller David Nevue will present a piano concert Thursday, March 29 at 7 p.m. at Immanuel Christian Reformed Church in Orange City. Hear his original pieces and arrangements of hymns at The event is sponsored by the Orange City Arts Council.
Nevue will also do a benefit concert for Cary Christian Center March 17 at 6:30 pm at Dordt College’s BJ Haan auditorium in Sioux Center.